Three Of The Funniest Shows You’re Not Watching

I want to share all kinds of things on here, so here’s a quick note on my current fave comedies. *Disclaimer-I am in no way claiming to be or trying to misrepresent myself as some kind of tv critic. I just like stuff that makes me laugh. Also, I tried to figure out how to use an approved network image so I don’t violate copyright laws, but I’m not savvy enough yet, so let’s hope they just see this as extra promotion. 😊


This has been one of my favorites for a while. There are so many things I love, from the classic immigrant overachieving tiger mom, to the disapproving grandmother, both of which I experienced. I love the exuberant optimism of Louis, the father of the Huang clan, and how he tries to help his kids straddle the worlds of American-born Asians with immigrant parents. Even if you don’t get the subtext because you’re neither Asian nor born of immigrants, it has plenty of hilarious moments. Who doesn’t have overachieving siblings? Or feel constantly judged by your neighbor or mother-in-law/mother/sister/(insert relative)? Or have a grandmother who speaks Chinese while everyone answers her in English? Okay that last one isn’t universal, but I totally related. It’s also fun to look at the 90s with almost thirty years of hindsight. Once in a while though, an episode hits a little to close to home and I have to take a few calming breaths. And remind myself that “an A minus is not an A minus my love for you”. Not to normal people, anyway.


This show is new this year, and is seriously one of the funniest shows, ever. The ensemble cast is fantastic, with all of the characters being really likable as single parents trying to help each other navigate parenthood. I think I’m drawn to it because it reminds me so much of the tag teaming I had to do when we were in the Air Force. I loved having a whole crew I could count on to back me up because my husband worked 12 hour days or was TDY or was deployed. My favorite parent on here has to Brad Garrett’s character, who is the widowed father of twin girls. His wife was a twenty something stripper who died of a heart attack when they were infants. He tries to raise them as cold-hearted, highly skilled, mini versions of La Femme Nikita. He does occasionally show his softer side, like when he croons his girls to sleep by singing “Danke Schoen” to them.


This is a gem I just discovered a couple of weeks ago. It follows the crazy antics of three friends who show you what lengths people are willing to go to when they need to protect those they love. My favorite twist to this is that the show plays against type. So instead of the stay at home mom being the one who is going along with the crowd, it’s actually Retta, from The Office, who looks the most shocked to be in every situation in which she finds herself.  And Christina Hendricks, who looks like she should be running the PTA, finds out she is just as good at running her own little organized crime network. Manny Montana is charmingly dangerous and there’s a slimy husband and an equally slimy boss in the mix, so you kind of want to root for all the crime on this show. Just kind of. It is a fun caper and a good break from reality. Because our PTA is NOT doing this stuff.

There you have it! What do you like to watch? Funny stuff? Drama? Action? Share below if there’s something we need to see!

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